Giclee Canvas Prints  
New this year, Americana Floorcloths offers museum quality canvas prints created from any of its award winning designs. Available in small to large sofa size prints then wrapped and stapled onto sturdy pine wood frames - ready to hang and free  shipping! 

High resolution, heavy weight canvas prints - no frame required 
saves you time, money & frustration.

Complete your primitive look with these high quality canvas prints. The sturdy pine wood frame allows you to hang your print “as is” in a quaint collection, or lean your image against a stack of books, a red ware pot, or wherever else a framed print cannot accommodate. You will love the flexibility of this accessory.

Focal Point: Size is Everything
Today’s homes have large wall spaces to fill due to high ceilings and open, airy rooms.  Typical artwork looks too small and gets lost in these spaces. Picture groupings become expensive and never hang quite straight. Customers are looking for large art to make a statement and create a focal point. Most focal points are big and expensive: a fireplace, or grandfather clock for example. We offer an affordable alternative. Picture this: a customer walking into your retail store with the Schooner’s Landing displayed above a buffet or seatee in the grand size of 40 x 60 inches—the length of most sofas!  

Product Info

The Giclee prints are printed directly on heavy archival canvas for a quality appearance. The surface is UV-laminated with a matte finish. Clean these printes with a soft damp cloth. The average display life of a canvas transferred print is 25 years under average indoor lighting.

Our process is not compatible with acrylic brushstrokes. The high gloss and would defeat the purpose of our non-glare surface. Many of our images are not from original paintings, so adding brushstrokes to the surface for an oil-painted effect would not be appropriate (photos, drawings, watercolors, etc.).

We use Hewlett-Packard Z series photo printers and HP Vivera inks to print canvas. Vivera pigment inks are water resistant. Vivera ink prints resist fading for over 100+ years under normal lighting conditions. HP 70 Vivera pigment inks with an HP printing system achieve a unique combination of consistently outstanding image quality.

Wholesale and Retail Catalog available.

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